CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations
The transform property can be used in 2D and 3D
- Each of these come with their own individuals properties
Browser support for using transform is not very good, however it is getting better every day
- You may have to download a different version of chrome in order to use it to its full functionality
Transitions and Animations
CSS3 implemented the ability to use transitions and animations. You have the ability to change the appearance and behavior of an element when you do multiple things like: hover over, focus on, active, or targeted
We use animations when we want more detail than just a transition
With transitions, you can make an element do something where it sits on the page. With animations, you can make something on your page move around
Some examples of transitions:
Fade in
Change color
Grow & shrink
Rotate elements
Square to circle
3D shadow
Inset border
Information taken from Transforms, Transitions and Animations, and 8 SIMPLE CSS3 TRANSITIONS THAT WILL WOW YOUR USERS