Images, Color, Text
HTML & CSS - Jon Duckett
Chapter 5: Images
Adding images to HTML file are done by using the
The SRC tells the browser where it can find the image file.
The ALT provides a text dscription of the image which describes the image if you cannot see it
Chapter 11: Color
Color brings your site to life
There are three ways to specify colors in CSS: RGB, hex, and color names
Chapter 12: Text
There are properties to control the choice of font, size, weight, style, and spacing
You can control the space between lines of text, individual letters, and words. Text can also be aligned to the left right, center, justified, or indented
Blog Post: JPEG vs PNG vs GIF
- “Use JPEG format for all images that contain a natural scene or photograph where variation in colour and intensity is smooth. Use PNG format for any image that needs transparency or for images with text & objects with sharp contrast edges like logos. Use GIF format for images that contain animations.”
Information taken from “HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites” and “Javascript & JQuery Interactive Front-End Web Development” by Jon Duckett and the web article JPEG vs PNG vs GIF — which image format to use and when?