HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout
HTML & CSS - Jon Duckett
Chapter 4: Links
Links are creating with the ‘A’ element. Users can click on anything between the opening ‘A’ tag and the closing ‘A’ tag. You specify which page you want to link to using the HREF attribute
You can create links to open email programs with an email address in the “to” field
You can use the id attribute to target elements within a page that can be linked to
Chapter 15: Layout (pp.358-364)
CSS treats each HTML element as if it is in its own box. This box will either be a block-level box or an inline box
Block-level elements start on a new line
Inline elements flow in between surrounding text
If one block-level element sits inside another block-level element then the outer box is known as the containing or parent element
- A box may be nested inside several other block-level elements. The containing element is always the direct parent of that element
CSS has the following positioning schemes that allo you to control the layout of a page
Normal flow
Relative positioning
Absolute positioning
JavaScript - Jon Duckett
Chapter 3: Functions, Methods, and Objects (pp.86-99)
Functions let you group a series of statements together to perform a specific task. If different parts of a script repeat the same task, you can reuse the function (rather than repeating the same set of statements)
To create a function, you give it a name and then write the statements needed to achieve its task inside the curly braces
You can then execute all of the statements between its curly braces with just one line of code, known as calling the function
Article: 6 Reasons for Pair Programming
Pair Programming
- Involves two people working together on something. One person is called the driver and the other person is called the navigator. The driver is doing most of the work - coding, files, version control, etc. The navigator is the second pair of eyes. They use their words to help the driver but do not provide any direct input into the computer.
Why pair program?
- Pair programming touches on all four of the major learning skills (listening speaking, reading, and writing): developers explain out loud what the code should do, listen to others’ guidance, read code that others have written, and write code themselves
Information taken from “HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites” and “Javascript & JQuery Interactive Front-End Web Development” by Jon Duckett and the article 6 Reasons for Pair Programming